الخميس، 24 مارس 2011

With Khalifa Haftar

Khalifa Haftar is a name we should all remember, especially those interested in Libyan affairs. The guy is the head of the revolution's army and is working hard to reform the brigades under him, changing their view of loyalty from the leader to the nation.
A charismatic man in his mid fifties, he welcomed us and another journalist from Sunday time is his interim headquarters in Benghazi, ensuring us that everything will end as soon as the army gets ready for the new role.
"The army is about to receive arms from Arab and western countries, and this might change the balance of power with Gaddafi's forces", Haftar said, stressing that Ajdabiya will soon be under the National interim council's power, and that the revolution gave time for G's brigades to surrender.

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